
853 Coalition Priorities 2024

2024-25 853 Coalition Budget Testimony

853 Coalition 2024-25 One House Budget Response

853 Coalition statement on the issuance of the 2023-24 tuition rate methodology:

We appreciate the significant and historic investments of the State over the last few years in support of our schools. However, we continue to advocate for annual growth for our schools on par with the state’s annual investment in public schools. Investments in children should be extended universally. As you know, 853 schools serve public school students whose needs are unable to be met appropriately within their district school. This year, while the support for students attending district schools was increased by 9.84%, the growth in the tuition rate methodology supporting our students was provided at 6.25%. We hope that you can build on your previous commitments to parity for the years ahead.

853 Coalition Priorities 2023

2023-24 Budget Testimony

The New York State Coalition of 853 Schools Response to the 2023-24 One House Budgets

Statement from the NYS Coalition of 853 Schools on Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget Proposal:

The Coalition of 853 Schools has long advocated for reforms to the special education tuition rate methodology. We are thrilled to see Governor Hochul take a leadership role on this issue by including $2.5 million in her Executive Budget proposal for the State Education Department to study and design a new rate-setting methodology. We look forward to working with the Administration and the Legislature to ensure the enacted budget provides the investments needed to appropriately support the education and related services our students are entitled to and deserve.

Statement from the NYS Coalition of 853 Schools on Governor Hochul’s State of the State Address:

We are pleased to see such robust funding for public schools included in the Governor’s State of the State proposal. The 853 Schools Coalition looks forward to an Executive Budget that continues historic investments in educating Students with Disabilities attending 853 schools as well, through the following:

  • significant rate growth for the 2023-24 school year;
  • interim plus rate approval so that schools may access rate growth as soon as is possible; and
  • a path to meaningful tuition rate methodology reform.

Statement from the NYS Coalition of 853 Schools on the Veto of A.10192/S.9134 and A.10191/S.9132 of 2022

2022 Budget Testimony

853 Reaction to 2022 One House Budget Proposals

2022 Budget & Legislative Priorities

Statement from the NYS Coalition of 853 Schools on the Veto of the Rate Parity Bill (S6516A/ A8013A of 2021)

853 Coalition supports legislation (A.10191/S.9132 and A.10192/S.9134) to ensure that Governor Hochul’s commitment to invest $240 million into special education schools and programs is realized

853 Coalition Priorities 2021

853 Funding Issues